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  • Writer's pictureJ.H. Jones

Read to make the most of a writing group experience

One of the most powerful breakthroughs I had as an author was the fact that a writing group could help me achieve my goals. Understanding that changed how I approached my writerly work, and how I engaged with other authors.

Before the breakthrough, however, I didn't always know who I was as an author, what I wanted to achieve in my writing, or how to work with the members of a group. As a result, I made a lot of mistakes, which hurt me and my progress. Actually, my personal story is why I wrote The Write Group, which helps writers leverage the benefits of a writing group to achieve their writerly ambitions.

Yet, I want to mention three other books that will be very useful to you if you're in a writing group now or thinking about forming or joining one. Reading these books can help you avoid common mistakes so that you can get the most out of your writing-group experience, and importantly, move with confidence towards your success.

Here are my suggestions in no particular order:

Writing Alone and With Others by Pat Schneider and Peter Elbow - This book is a classic and you'll get useful insights into the life and work of a writer, as well as a deep dive exploration of how an opportunity to work with others can invigorate, encourage and enable mutual support.

Heart. Soul. Pen. by Robin Finn - Here's your invitation to assess your beliefs, challenge what's stopping you, and explore your writing voice. While many of the chapters focus on individual development, the last chapters explore how to work the process and form a writing group built on Heart-Soul-Pen principles.

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott - Another classic that guides you through a writer's mindset, purpose and dedication. And the chapter on writing groups is hilarious! While you're laughing, you'll learn a lot about setting your expectations and giving and getting value out of connecting with other writers.

I hope you check these books out, as well as The Write Group. And if you know about other wonderful books that have helped you have a great writing circle experience, please share in the comments below! I'd love to hear from you!

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