I think of you as a member of my big, bold, extended writing group, and I promised to share my progress with you this year. To meet that commitment, I've scheduled monthly updates where I'll highlight what I've been doing with my time. My hope is, as you read about my shortcomings and wins, you'll feel motivated to keep working on your 2025 writing goals. So, let's look at February:
Nonfiction. I'm working on a writer's self-help book about giving and getting feedback on manuscripts. This project started when I remembered what it was like being a new writer and how challenging it was to read others' works-in-progress and provide useful comments, as well as listen to comments about my own drafts. Not easy! 😣 So, this project was born to help new writers navigate the feedback process. I built its development into my Monday through Friday agenda and made a big dent during February, writing most of the initial draft. (I'm envisioning this as a short book.) During March, my plan is to get some early reader input so I can know where to focus my efforts for the next draft.
Fiction. I worked on a spooky short story, 😮 did a couple of reader turns, and I'm working through final feedback. More to come next month! Plus, I'm slowly working on the second draft of Wolf Manor (working title), the historical gothic mystery. While I scheduled daily writing time on this project, my follow through was uneven, and I had days where I didn't touch the material at all, or simply researched the period, or walked in the snow (sometimes slush), thinking through plot and character questions. I'll continue this project in March, and prioritize more writing, less thinking.
A couple of comments about how I'm working: First, each week I connect with a group of wonderful writers to check in. They encouraged and commiserated, and they're so motivating, This accountability type of group works for me, and if you're struggling with a writing routine and haven't tried an accountability group, find some folks from your circle of writers and experiment for yourself. You'll be amazed by the awesome results! Second, I've changed how I engage with social media. Guess what? Mucho less noise and distraction and more time for creative concentration. This makes me think I should prep a post about my decisions around social this year and get your input. Stay tuned!
I'll update you on my projects again on or about April 1. Now, about your writing: What's one writerly thing you did in February that you're proud of?🤔 Let me know in the comments.